How to make ball follow line?

Hello what I want is my ball to follow a line you draw. How would I do this?



  • allc1865allc1865 Member, PRO Posts: 777

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    Basically I have this drawing template and a ball. The ball is supposed to follow the line no matter where it goes. But when I draw the line vertical the line goes right through the line and falls to the floor. How would I fix this? I used the interpolate behavior to move the ball. Maybe that's why the ball isn't following the line like how I want. Please help :(

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited August 2014

    Your question is basically, 'when I draw a line it causes the line go through the line, how do I fix this ?' And the totality of the information you are providing about the various rules, behaviours, attributes, interactions between game elements and so on, all the various factors that dictate how your game behaves like it does . . . is 'I used the interpolate behaviour' :)

    If anyone is able to answer your question I would be very impressed !

  • JSprojectJSproject Member Posts: 730

    @Socks get ready to be impressed... the answer is... 42!!!

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    Collisions do not work when using interpolate. You need to move the ball using a different behaviour.

    @Socks Ezmode :P

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Armelline said:
    Collisions do not work when using interpolate. You need to move the ball using a different behaviour.

    Socks Ezmode :P

    Lol, IA™ !!
    (Instant Awesome)

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @JSproject said:
    Socks get ready to be impressed... the answer is... 42!!!

    Damn ! I kept getting 44, I knew I was close, but not quite there . . .

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    @Socks @Armelline @JSproject Im using the drawer orbzample template (link : . I'm trying to customize it. I want the ball to follow the line when you draw it. Example when you draw the line doesn't matter how you drew the line after you're done drawing the line I want the ball to follow the path of the line you drew. Let's say you started of drawing a straight line and then you end up drawing a half circle. What I want the ball to do is that, as soon as you're done drawing the line with a half circle I want the ball to follow that exactly how it was made.

    So my problem starts in the angle of attack where the half circle begins. The ball starts to curve following the half circle about half way in the half circle the ball stops curving and goes right through it rather than finishing curving the half circle then falling to the ground.

    Hope I didn't make it confusing.

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    Ill try to make an amutre drawing :p

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340
    edited August 2014

    @Socks @Armelline @JSproject here is the image. I made this on Microsoft paint and this isn't really a half circle but I think you guys get the point

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    Bump ?

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    Im using the drawer orbzample template (link : . I'm trying to customize it. I want the ball to follow the line when you draw it. Example when you draw the line doesn't matter how you drew the line after you're done drawing the line I want the ball to follow the path of the line you drew. Let's say you started of drawing a straight line and then you end up drawing a half circle. What I want the ball to do is that, as soon as you're done drawing the line with a half circle I want the ball to follow that exactly how it was made.

    So my problem starts in the angle of attack where the half circle begins. The ball starts to curve following the half circle about half way in the half circle the ball stops curving and goes right through it rather than finishing curving the half circle then falling to the ground.

    Hope I didn't make it confusing. here is the image. I made this on Microsoft paint and this isn't really a half circle but I think you guys get the point

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    Im using the drawer orbzample template (link : . I'm trying to customize it. I want the ball to follow the line when you draw it. So if you take a look at the link of the pic what I want is the ball to follow the line and follow the curve. I have 2 problems. How would I make the ball follow the line exactly how its drawn? And another thing is that when the ball gets to that curve for some reason it falls out.

    I'm using the interpolate behavior to move the ball. It rolls at the speed I want it and the gravity rule I made works perfect with it. Someone on the forum told me the interpolate and collide rule doesn't really work so maybe that's why it falls out of the line. Rather than the Move and collide. But when I use the move behavior it gets stuck in the curve and refuse to move but it doesn't fall out of the line. (Maybe the angle of attack so to much or something.) here is the image. I made this on Microsoft paint and this isn't really as curved but I think you guys get the point.

    So hopefully some can please help me with this. Thanks :)

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    Im using the drawer orbzample template (link : . I'm trying to customize it. I want the ball to follow the line when you draw it. So if you take a look at the link of the pic what I want is the ball to follow the line and follow the curve. I have 2 problems. How would I make the ball follow the line exactly how its drawn? And another thing is that when the ball gets to that curve for some reason it falls out.

    I'm using the interpolate behavior to move the ball. It rolls at the speed I want it and the gravity rule I made works perfect with it. Someone on the forum told me the interpolate and collide rule doesn't really work so maybe that's why it falls out of the line. Rather than the Move and collide. But when I use the move behavior it gets stuck in the curve and refuse to move but it doesn't fall out of the line. (Maybe the angle of attack so to much or something.) here is the image. I made this on Microsoft paint and this isn't really as curved but I think you guys get the point.

    So hopefully some can please help me with this. Thanks :)

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    Your problem is complicated enough that it is unlikely someone is going to be able to solve based on your description. Your best bet it is arrange for someone to look at your project file itself.

    Also, it's best not to create new copies of a thread (especially two of them at once) when you have an existing topic that you can bump.

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    @Armelline sorry. How can you bump? and how can I put a file on here for people to look at?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    You bump a thread just by posting to it.

    To put a file here, as a non-Pro user, you need to upload it to a file host and share the link.

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    @Armelline okay thanks Ill post another one with the link attached

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    Here's the link to file before you read
    @Armelline told me before someone can help me I need to attach the file. So I attached the file. I'm SUPER sorry for making so many threads and it must be annoying seeing over an over again :/. So hopefully someone can help me. I've rewritten the question so is less confusing. I'm a windows user so maybe if someone can help me with this they can give me back the file I can convert into in windows again. The reason I put it on the mac forum is that I see there's a lot of users on mac and I see Gamesalad was made really for mac. again I'm SUPER SUPER SUPER sorry for all those threads. :/ It'll never happen again I can promise you that :) Thank you :)

    Im using the drawer orbzample template (link : . I'm trying to customize it. I want the ball to follow the line when you draw it. So if you take a look at the link of the pic what I want is the ball to follow the line and follow the curve. I have 2 problems. How would I make the ball follow the line exactly how its drawn? And another thing is that when the ball gets to that curve for some reason it falls out.

    I'm using the interpolate behavior to move the ball. It rolls at the speed I want it and the gravity rule I made works perfect with it. Someone on the forum told me the interpolate and collide rule doesn't really work so maybe that's why it falls out of the line. Rather than the Move and collide. But when I use the move behavior it gets stuck in the curve and refuse to move but it doesn't fall out of the line. (Maybe the angle of attack so to much or something.) here is the image. I made this on Microsoft paint and this isn't really as curved but I think you guys get the point.

    So hopefully some can please help me with this. Thanks

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881


    I've merged the six threads you have created for this same subject. Please don't make multiple threads.

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    edited August 2014


    I've downloaded your file. It looks like you do not want a ball to "follow the line". Instead it looks like you want the ball to bounce on top of the line and just let gravity do its thing. Is this correct?

    If you actually want an actor to "follow" a line (like in Pivvot) it takes an entirely different mechanic.

    Can you explain in more detail what you mean by "follow a line"? Perhaps you can provide a game example you are looking to mimic or something.

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340


    • first the player HAS to draw a line.
    • second the line that the player has drawn is the path the ball has to follow. (Not necessarily the example I gave with the curved line. They're gonna be other ways that line is gonna be drawn. I just used that as an example because also having a problem with the ball falling out on sharp angles.)

    So basically I want the ball to follow the path that you have drawn. Get me?

    Like if a player draws a straight line I want the ball to follow a straight line. If the player draws an "S" shape I want the ball to follow the "S" shape.

    I want the ball to follow the path of a line drawn. If that's possible :)

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    oh and as an a side is the pro worth it? My dad and I were talking about going to pro

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378

    I would recommend not going Pro until you either need the additional behaviours it offers, or you are close to having your game ready to publish.

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    @http_gamesalad‌ -- OK so it sounds like you want the actor to follow a path that the user designates by drawing a line.

    It sounds like you do not want a ball rolling on top of a line.

    If this is the case, you need to have a completely different mechanic. The mechanic you are currently using is for having an actor bounce on top of a line (like a skier bouncing down a mountain slope).

    Your best bet will be to start over. Instead of worrying about drawing lines, worry about getting an actor to follow a path that the user designates. You should go back to the first response you received in this thread. (The one by @allc1865‌ that shows the video.) That video shows the core mechanic you need to learn how to do.

    When you can get an actor to follow a path -- just like the video shows -- then it will be time to move to the next phase.

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    @RThurman its exactly what I want BUT I want the ball to be on top of the line. Everything else is exactly what I want

  • allc1865allc1865 Member, PRO Posts: 777

    What did you do to convert the ORBZ template to PC? @http_gamesalad

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    @http_gamesalad said:
    RThurman its exactly what I want BUT I want the ball to be on top of the line. Everything else is exactly what I want

    OK -- Its great that you recognize that the video shows what you want. Do you have a working version yet?

  • http_gamesaladhttp_gamesalad Member Posts: 1,340

    @allc1865 do you want the one I modified or the original template ? And @RThurman I don't have a working one yet because of the ball. That's why I came on the forum because the ball won't stay in the line. Like when the line curves the ball falls out. So what I want to know is how to make the ball stay with the line drawn and follow the path drawn by the player

  • allc1865allc1865 Member, PRO Posts: 777

    No. I know that you had trouble converting from Mac to PC, and it looks like you now have the ORBZ template, so I was wondering how you accomplished it?

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