spawn random actor with table
Sorry for my bad english.
I'm newbie here in gamesalad and i have one problem about random spawning.
First, i'm currently making an endless run (running on top of platform). Say, in the near end of platform, i want to spawn a "door" that lead to another world (other themed platform) randomly (and it will do continously until player health become 0).
Can i do it with table or simply using spawn actor with various command for random spawn?
(Currently i'm not that familiiar with table, but i can do a little thing with it -click for display random text)
Thank you very much
Youre just trying to spawn doors in random positions?
Nope, not like that.
There's a door at the end of stage. If the runner collapse/collide with the door, i want to change the theme (randomly) where the runner running..