Smoke under a actor
Hey guys im trying to figure the out the best way to make smoke under a image. What I am trying to accomplish is the impression that a actor is moving very fast. I only have photo shop, do I need to create a bunch of images making it seem like the smoke is moving under the actor? or is there a better way to do this?
Thanks in advance,
P.S. Underneath are links to my most recently released game if ya'll want to check it out.
A while back I did a little character running with smoke/dust coming from his feet, I can try and find the project file if you want.
Hi, I do it with a mud spawner, when my player goes on the mud it get out drops on his feets.
I create an invisible actor to put on the ground and I set when my player collides with this invisible actor to make it spawn every 0,1 seconds mud drop actor on position
game.playerX - random(0,10) and
game.playerY + random(-10,20)
and mud drop actor destroy himself after 0,2 seconds
You have to adapt those rules for your goal and I think it will works
Try animation attribute
@Socks thatd be great. Thanks for all the input. I was going to use the animate attribute, will multiple different images.