Attack animation help!

simon31184simon31184 Member Posts: 14
edited August 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi guys, I need your help because I'm in trouble with the rules for the attack animation and collisions in my game.

For my player I have two actors, one for the player collision area (PCA) and one with for the player animations (PA, that is largest than PCA) that have not collision with other elements, and had with X and Y constrained to X and Y of PCA. I do that because the animation of my sword attack was largest than jump and run movements. So, the problem is to set a collision between my player and the enemies performing an animation.

Now I need to make my animation animate with three frames and when it happens and enemy collide with the right or left side of my player animation to make enemy damaged. I have a game.Button1 that became true on press on actor button1 otherwise it's false.

My solution was to spawn and immediatly destroy an invisible actor on the sword side when the button is pressed, and it works, but it doesn't make damage on collision with my enemy (he collides but the enemy energy doesn't go down, and the energy counter works because if I trig another action like press inside enemy it works), and with that if I don't keep my button pressed the animation doesn't go complete and it stops.

Thanks to everybody can help me!


  • Andrea_ComisiAndrea_Comisi ItalyMember Posts: 328

    Se traduci tutto in italiano forse ti posso aiutare io

  • simon31184simon31184 Member Posts: 14

    @Andrea Comisi said:
    Se traduci tutto in italiano forse ti posso aiutare io

    ciao andrea, grazie ma ci ho lavorato su e sono riuscito a trovare una soluzione al problema. Se avessi bisogno anche tu di aiuto scrivimi pure!

  • Andrea_ComisiAndrea_Comisi ItalyMember Posts: 328

    Percaso sai com'è il Pro? Cioè se si pubblica su appstore senza essere pro che succede? Perche da qualche parte nel forum ho letto che gamesalad aggiunge pubblicità oppure scene!? Mi potresti spiegare come funziona?

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