pro version-IOS, IAPs, joints and modifiable collision shape?
Hey Folks!
ive been away for a while but am considering coming back and purchasing the pro version. my questions are:
how well do the IAPs and banner ads work with IOS? With Andriod?
has any work been done to implement joints or a modifiable collision shape?
sorta and no. you stand a better chance at winning the lottery. Than logging on and getting a yes to your answer about collision editing.
for banner ads you have AdMob, RevMob and iAds (on iOS). All of them work well
you can also use AdMob/Chartboost for interstitial ads. They work too. @BigDave uses them in his apps and does pretty good.
Joinds and Custom polygon shapes are coming, but they are trying to fix some of the issues that have been laying around for a long time now, so not soon but hopefully not long.
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