Finding touch offset after camera rotation

ashtmjashtmj Member, PRO Posts: 405

Hey guys.

I was wondering if anyone might have a good method for correcting the touch offset after camera rotation.

I have a game where the device>camera rotation can swing up 360 degrees.
but when the camera has a rotation of say 180

the touch X/Y is all out of place. I'm assuming there is a way to fix this offset, but I've been at it for hours and thought I'd check here to see if someone already knows how :)

Thanks much!


  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881

    @ashtmj‌ -- did you find what you were looking for? If not, can you explain little more of what you are after?

  • JPGamesFactoryJPGamesFactory Member, PRO Posts: 174

    Maybe you can use the same technique of universal build, check the camera rotation and correct the position of button.

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