Hero destroyed (done) + Timer before resetting scene (not able) How?
My hero has 3 lives. Each time he loses a life it's destroyed that works fine.
What i want is to make the hero reappear so i added a timer after "destroy"
Set the timer to "after 1 sec"
After 1 sec of timer reset the scene.
It won't work. I've put the timer right after destroy and won't work.
Tried including it in a new rule: after actor collides with "enemy bullet" wait for 1 sec then reset......does not work either.
The only thing that works is that if i put the Action: Reset Scene right after destroy the scene resets but to quick.
I want to delay the reset.
Thanks you guys are the best! ; )
Put your reset scene in another actor off screen and use a game level attribute to run it.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
What do you mean by game level attribute, sorry i'm quite new
A game level attribute is created in the Attribute tab on the left and can be used in all actors. A self attribute is created in an actor in the panel on the left and can only be used in the actor it is created in.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template