Power ups problem please help!
So i have this shooter and my spaceship is the main actor shooting basic bullet.
I've managed to create a power up but i want my actor to change weapon when it collides with the power up.
How do i do that?
I've tried a lot of combinations of attributes but seams i can't find the logic.
I even bought a $10 template to study the power up section but his code is wayyyyy to complicated and messy.
I need a clear explanation. I've searched the web and their isn't a "power up shoot em up" tutorial yet.
Tomorrow i will upload a basic template
Ok thanks ; )
This is the link
: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qeb4pn8rmf30pgw/template.rar
How do you spawn the basic bullets?
Make new actor called "better bullets".
Create a rule inside ship.
If ship collides with power-up and touch is pressed (whatever spawns the basic bullets), spawn actor "better bullets".
WOW! I can't get better than this, thanks so much! That's very clear and simple. Amen!!!
Oups! I talked too fast. It's because in my game the power up is spawned randomly from a number from 1 to 10. I don't trigger them with the Q and W.
So i'm wondering how to combine both system. The random system and your system which is quite close to make it happen.
WOW! I think i did it. I works. I added my random timer to your rules and it works....brilliant! ; )
Okaayyyyy finallllyyyy got it!
Thanks for all again.
At Andrea!
Thanks again for your template. But let's say i want another extra power up. How do i choose from 3 different types of weapons with boolean true or false?
You need to creare a new boolean attribute
And add to the shooter rule the condition "power up 2 is false" and create a new shooter rules in the ship . If you want i can upload a new version of the template