Rotate camera - rotates actors but not their touch boundaries?
Hi all,
For gameplay effects, I have adjusted the camera rotation to 25, now everything is on a slope which is fine.
The actors move and act normally when on a slope but why can't I touch the actor area on the rotated camera area, but have to touch the actor where it would be if the camera wasn't rotated?
Whats the point of being able to rotate the camera if the actors don't follow the same behaviour? Am i doing something wrong?
Any help thanks?
That's just the way it works unfortunately.
A trick you can use is to make an image with the controls already on and constrain the image to minus camera rotation.
More info and a video in the link below.
Yeah it's such a useless method. Extra rules and constrains. Not sure why an actor can register a collusion when rotated, but a touch is different? I found a work around, but its not perfect. But what else can I do. Thanks.
Is this something that can be fixed? @BlackCloakGS or is part of the engine.