iAds Cycle?
Hello everyone,
In my previous releases, I've been showing iAd banners either only in certain scenes, or under certain conditions.
In a new app I'm finishing, this won't work, since I made everything in just one scene to avoid loading and conditions for switching don't make much sense in the app.
Of course, if possible, I would like to cycle ads to fully use the potential of iAds. Is it enough to just put in the banner? Will the ads cycle on their own? Or should I do a manual refresh -- call the 'Show Banner' behavior every 45 seconds or so?
Your on spot. iAds need to be shown a full 45 seconds to get a 100% fill rate. So it cycles automatically every 45 seconds by itself. No need to code in a cycle. Trust me I have tested this extensively.
Here is an example. If your building a short game people can play in 30 seconds or less (flappy style) you will see an ad each game and be considered an ad "impression" but because it was seen for only 30 instead of 45 seconds...Apple doesn't consider the ad to have been affective enough to give you premium fill rate and therefore doesn't pay as much for the ad you are showing....and there fore may only give a rating of say...70% fill rate. If your game can last for 20 minutes per pay...and you get a crap load of downloads.....they end up showing 30 ads during that time and you get a really good 90-100% fill rate...effectively giving you the maximum amount of pay for showing their ads.
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Great! Thanks a lot for the info!