Masters of Gamecircle, I'm confused!
I've searched and searched but did not succeed..
I have been learning tutorials incorporating Amazon Gamecircle to Android. No problem with that. But it does not show how it works.
What does Amazon means when you have to have a custom UI? Don't GC leaderboard just pop up when touch is pressed? Do I create a new scene and put my GC buttons in there. Then another scene to show the leaderboards? Do I use display text behavior? How do I incorporate the GC data and display it in that scene?
I would like auto login when the game starts. Is it possible? Or do they need to click an actor?
Thank you for your replies!
Thank you! I have already experimented with it. One last question, on adhoc, it says I'm another player (maybe random for testing purposes). And it says I'm unranked. Is that how it is? Once I have more than 1 player, it will show rankings?
Sorry, I figured it out myself. Thank you!
@yattamove always describe your solution so others searching later for the same answers can find them. Glad you get it solved.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
Yup sorry! I messed up setting up the Amazon portal. I should have set up the Gamecircle tab above first then link it to my game. Then add leaderboard in the game below.
Then proceeded with testing. I added the weird username that appeared in my device to Amazon dev portal Testing tab, and the leaderboard appeared.
@yattamove Hi, I would very much like to know what exactly did you do? I am also getting this "unranked" for Amazon game circle. API keys are correct, leaderboard is published, leaderboard ID is correct. Double, triple and N times checked. Player can log into amazon game circle from my game, after login the leaderboar name and icon are shown correctly but the leaderboard just says "unranked" and no scores are updated.
blushing checked again and there it was, misspelling in leaderboard ID:
took me whole day. Lesson learned: check, check and check again