Deleting and Changing Table Names
I have combined my quiz into my game. However I have duplicate tables and it won't allow me to delete the extra table or rename it. Is there a bug and is there a way around it as I now have four duplicate tables with the same data. I have the latest version of gamesalad and I am working on the latest version of a mac
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing
I would like to know if there is a way to rename tables also OR the ability to create a new table (and dynamically set it's name).
Did you try hitting the backspace button? Sometimes it works on the creator and sometimes it doesn't.
Not sure if you have this answered yet Nat at you haven't received a reply but the post is a month old.
Anyhow, to delete a table, hit the home button and select tables from the menu. Then select the table in question by clicking it once an the press the minus button found on the bottom left of creator. Confirm the deletion.
You rename the table by opening up the table and then change it in the top left of the screen.
Thanks for all your help! Because I combine two apps into one with Project merger (deep blue apps) and the table has a same name as the current app, it won't delete. So I just kept both tables in this the same data and it seems to work.
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing
Yes @DeepBlueApps project merger seems to need an update.
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@gingagaming thanks but i know how to rename a table in creator interface, sorry my question wasn't more clear. i was more asking if there was a way to rename a table via a rule or behavior. like if button pressed change table name to xxx.
Absolutely love deep blue apps project merger. Hoping there will be an update soon as it is the best program to combine apps.
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing
Not possible.
Create all the tables you need in advance.
Why would you need to rename it?