I need help respawning actors after they are destroyed.
I have a game in which 7 white actors spawn randomly in the scene that has a timer of 30 seconds. In addition to the seven actors, there are 3 red actors that spawn. The objective is to destroy these 7 white actors without destroying the red ones.
My Goal is that after the 7 white actors are destroyed, the scene is cleared and all new actors are spawned without resetting the timer.
I have successfully been able to create a spawner that adds the actors to the scene, but I am unable to figure out a way to make them spawn again!
Can anyone offer some advice on the situation?
@gama3 you could create an integer attribute and set up a rule where whenever an actor is touched, change the attribute to +1. Then another rule where when attribute equals 7 respawn the actors. Please tell me if this worked or not.
I'll give it a try now! Thanks!
@Mendez It worked! You are a genius! My only problem now is that I am unsure of how to make the actors reappear
@gama3 you make the rule: when the attribute equals 7 then spawn actor (use the same spawn rule that you used to originally spawn the actor)
That method isn't quite working out atm. One question I have though is that, if an actor is destroyed, does it automatically subtract 1 from the attribute counter, or do I need to prompt it to subtract 1 when it is destroyed? @Mendez
@gama3 what exalty isn't working? Is it just not respawning? Try: When attribute is > 6 then... Also you would have to create another rule to subtract 1 from the attribute counter. So like when attribute reaches 7 change attribute back to 0. Maybe
@Mendez I am able to make the remaining three actors be destroyed and have a clear scene, but then nothing respawns even after I set the actors to respawn when attribute Destroyed >= 7
ill upload a demo
sounds good @Mendez
https://www.dropbox.com/s/b56q3l5lvgw0t4k/demo .zip
Here it is let me know if this is what you needed or not
Sorry If I'm being an amateur right now, but I've never shared a file before so I'm not sure how to open this in GS after I've downloaded it
@gama3 just move the file from downloads to your documents. Then in Gamesalad click on "open" and then click on the file.
@Mendez Everything is saved as a JSON file though and it does not show up as a Gamesalad file.
@gama3, are you on a PC or Mac?
It should work the only other export file I can do is Macintosh creator .zip but it doesn't work since I dont have a Mac
@allc1865 I'm on PC. And I'll give this a try @Mendez
@Mendez Now when I open the file in GS it just displays a white screen.
This should work, make sure you drag the demo.gameproj that's inside the zip file to documents then open it in gamesalad @gama3
maybe there is a problem with winrar or something, because everything is just a JSON file. Sorry for all the trouble @Mendez
@gama3 If you want I can tell you all that I did, Do you have an email or something so I can send it to you since it will be kind of long to explain?
@Mendez Yeah, go ahead and send me your explanation to talbot.blake99@gmail.com