Game center leaderboard help!

ajkrohnajkrohn Member, PRO Posts: 14
edited August 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi all,

Yesterday my app, Dragon Dive, was approved by apple and is now available for download on the ios app store. Everything works great except I am not able to see other players on the gamecenter leaderboard (my roommate has the game and I cant see him on it). I am a Pro user and am signed in to my correct apple ID/gamecenter. ON his phone he can see me but I cant see him! Other friends who have downloaded are experiencing the same issue. When I go into itunes connect to manage gamecenter leaderboards NO ONEs score is posted.

Please help!

Much Appreciated ,



  • firezombie444firezombie444 Member Posts: 49

    How long has it been since your roomate played it? I know sometimes game center takes a bit to update stats for new games.

  • ajkrohnajkrohn Member, PRO Posts: 14

    He played it when it was first released which was yesterday. Some people who download it can see my score and their score but no one elses. There are at least 5 of my friends that are experiencing this.

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    edited August 2014

    @ajkrohn‌ -- You might want to wait 24 hours and see if things sort themselves out.

  • ajkrohnajkrohn Member, PRO Posts: 14

    @RThurman‌ Thank you! Do you have any idea what the issue I might be having is?

  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    edited August 2014

    @ajkrohn‌ -- From your other post on this subject

    it appears that you have figured out that you've have created multiple leaderboards.


  • ajkrohnajkrohn Member, PRO Posts: 14

    Yes my game has two single leaderboards. Both post scores when my gameover attribute is true. If i change that rule to be: when gameover is true post score for leaderboard 1, then add a timer: after 1 sec, post score for leaderboard 2. Will this solve this issue?

  • ajkrohnajkrohn Member, PRO Posts: 14

    @RThurman‌ Do you know if this will solve this issue?

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