I need help with collisions.
All my actors fall down the screen, and when the collide with each other they supposed to stop. What I need is to have my actors collide with each other on the top and bottom but still move freely when rubbing against the sides. thanks for your help guys.
I'm not sure what "rubbing against the sides" mean. Maybe you can explain that more?
But to have objects collide with one another you have to have a collide behavior in the actor, telling it to collide with the floor. Then in the floor uncheck "moveable".
Thanks for the response, Sorry what I mean is that I have 8 vertical rows that are equal lengths, and the actors are spawned fall down at different times. I want them to land on top of each other and stop moving. but when they touch on the sides they stop too. I want them to only collideand stop moving if it's top touching bottom. make sense?
So you're spawning vertical actors?
They're 40X20 but the fall from top to bottom.
So what you want is for the actors that you spawn, is to land on top of each other and then stop moving?
Okay...I will work on a template tomorrow.
As for right now, I would spawn your platforms but turn the friction up on them. They should come to a slow stop.
But like I said I'll put together a template.
All right! thanks a bunch!
Hope this works out for ya!