So close... menu overlay with popup, touch pressed/released causing issues

revoltandreverbrevoltandreverb Member Posts: 159
edited August 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi Guys. I've been killing myself, but I'm so close. I have attached examples.

When my game starts I have a menu overlay with a "popup toggle" button. While the menu is active, it should not be possible to click the actor under the menu, that part is working fine. If the menu is clicked, the menu should disappear as well as the "popup toggle" button, that part also works.

If the "popup toggle" button is clicked, a popup box should pop up and when the close button (x) is clicked on the popup box, the pop-up box should close and basically everything should be as it was before the "popup toggle" button was pressed, this part also works.

The problem is the touch rule on the menu overlay actor. If I use "touch is pressed" the entire thing works perfectly, but the touch/click is very buggy. It's almost as if I have to touch the menu overlay actor longer than just a quick tap, but not too long, if I hold it too long, the actor underneath the menu gets clicked. I'm making an app for toddlers so ideally it should still work if they hold their finger down for a while.

So I changed to "touch is released" on the menu overlay actor and it resolved the buggy click issue and longer touches but now what happens is when I click the close button (x) on the popup, the menu overlay disappears, instead of just the popup and close button.

Also the rules following the touch rule on the menu overlay actor was a bit of trial and error and a lot of forum reading. I would appreciate if someone could let me know if that's the most efficient way of doing things.



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