Choosing The Right Software to Make My Basic Choose-Own-Adventure Game

Hi there, hope this is the right category I'm posting in.

I am very excited to create a new game, but have been having trouble deciding what platform to use to build it. I've looked at Stencyl, GameSalad, Unity, GameMaker and Flash. Really struggling with which to choose, so it'd be fantastic if I could get some advice.

The game I want to make is actually extremely simple, technically. It's more of a choose-your-own-adventure story than a fully fledged game. I have an interactive story I want to tell, along the lines of Telltale's games. In fact, a lot of it will be more like a movie than a game, with music and dialogue and story. I'm actually a film student, but want to have a shot at a game.

I'm not very versed on any game making software (yet), but have had a little bit of experience with Actionscript in Flash a few years back. So I suppose simple is good, but I'm willing to learn whatever I need to.

Any suggestions?


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