Need help respawning actors after they are destroyed.
I have a game in which 7 white actors spawn randomly in the scene that has a timer of 30 seconds. In addition to the seven actors, there are 3 red actors that spawn. The objective is to destroy these 7 white actors without destroying the red ones.
My Goal is that after the 7 white actors are destroyed, the scene is cleared and all new actors are spawned without resetting the timer.
I have successfully been able to create a spawner that adds the actors to the scene, but I am unable to figure out a way to make them spawn again!
Can anyone offer some advice on the situation??
Is there a specific reason that you need to spawn the actors?
Otherwise, one way to do it is to siply change the actors position off screen when they are destroyed, and simply move them back when you need them on the scene again.
Just a thought
That could work, but the volume of actors needed throughout the game is pretty immense. The game entails a set of ten new stationary actors appearing on the screen about every 3-4 seconds if the player is quick enough to destroy them. This would mean that the outside of the scene would be very cluttered with actors.
The actors that appear on the screen are also stationary by the way, and not trying to destroy any player.