Looking for presenters for next months GameSalad Meetup
Would love to have some one do a presentation on using GameSalad in eduction but I am open to topics.
If you are interested please message me.
Would love to have some one do a presentation on using GameSalad in eduction but I am open to topics.
If you are interested please message me.
I'm interested, but it is premature as this is only my third day getting into GameSalad. All I could speak about now is the potential I see. There are two topics:
1) GameSalad to teach programming to students.
2) GameSalad as a route for educators to create engaging curricular content for their classrooms.
I would speak on #2.
Gordon Hamilton
MMath, PhD
@BlackCloakGS - Spam.
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My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
@Braydon_SFX could you xxxx out what laval said in your quote so his spam message doesn't remain here. I did it to my post in another thread he spammed so it doesn't remain in the forums at all.
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What messege? ; )
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
@Braydon_SFX lol
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I would like to talk about this more so please drop me a line.
We have about 5 million downloads to date and have quite a grasp on most topics. I also have done a few in-school presentations.
@fadamion I sent you a PM to see if you're interested in speaking at this month's meetup. At this point it doesn't have to be about education. As a general thing, if anyone has something they want to share or speak about please contact @BlackCloakGS or me! We'd love to have the meetup to have a wide range of speakers!
where you guys meet up?
@BlackCloakGS Posts there is no online registration for the October or November monthly meetups
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