How do I make a box like the yellow one mario?
Okay, so I'm Making a Mario style plat former and want to have a box like the yellow question mark one. trouble is, when i jump under it (I've set a rule on the box so when player collides and players Y co-ordinate is = or <, it will make the box move up and then move down. It doesn't do anything when i test it. I'm a total noob and am open for suggestions. Thanks guys
Best Answers
Armelline Posts: 5,378
I haven't played Mario in years and only vaguely remember it, but how about something like this? I didn't put any effort into the player's movement or the surrounding effects, but you'll be able to expand from here I expect.
The artwork is off Google and is obviously not free to use.
I'm afraid I'm on a Mac so you'll have to look up how to open Mac projects (if you don't already know).
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Armelline Posts: 5,378
Yeah, I stopped trying after the yellow box but needed something to test the jump height. I forgot to remove it
Glad it helped!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Thankyou! thats exactly what i wanted
I tweaked the breakables so they wont break unless im under them, that way i dont need the invisible floors because i could still jump on them after the bricks broke. thankyou so much for your help 
was the fix basically... if actor is higher than said "y" do this, if not .. do that?
somewhat yeah