how to create an eraser like action

salino2835salino2835 Member, PRO Posts: 76

How would i got about having the user use his finger to erase dirt for example so liquid can flow through were the user erased? thanks!!


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    This isn't something that can easily be done in GS. You'll have to create a lot of small actors to represent the dirt, and have them be destroyed when touched.

  • salino2835salino2835 Member, PRO Posts: 76

    thats what i was afraid of, thank you for your reply

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Armelline said:
    This isn't something that can easily be done in GS. You'll have to create a lot of small actors to represent the dirt, and have them be destroyed when touched.

    It would be less work for GS to create the hole rather than destroy the surround, so you are essentially drawing the hole - using the same logic as a drawing project.

  • salino2835salino2835 Member, PRO Posts: 76

    @socks how would i go about making that an actor in GS?

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @salino2835 said:
    socks how would i go about making that an actor in GS?

    How well do you know GameSalad ?

  • salino2835salino2835 Member, PRO Posts: 76

    @socks i am a beginner, but you just give me a general direction and which actors to use and what behavior i think i can figure it out. Thanks in advance you could private message me how to do it if its easier that way

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited August 2014

    @salino2835 said:
    socks i am a beginner, but you just give me a general direction and which actors to use and what behavior i think i can figure it out.

    Ok, the idea is that rather than creating a world made from lots of objects, you have the 'dirt' as a background image, and the hole that is dug is made from multiple spawned actors - so rather than filling a whole screen with 'dirt' actors, some of which will never get used, you only need to concern yourself with the actors that make up the hole.

    Which actors to use ? I'm not sure I understand the question ? GameSalad hasn't got a waiting set of actors, or any kind of 'preset' actors, you make them as and when you need them ! :smile:

    The idea is to 'draw' the holes, if you think this method will work for your particular project then search for one of the many GS drawing projects floating around, ericzingeler's 'Draw It' is excellent.

    @salino2835 said:
    Thanks in advance you could private message me how to do it if its easier that way

    Why would it be easier to do it via private message ? I Don't get it ?

  • salino2835salino2835 Member, PRO Posts: 76

    @socks Idk i just thought maybe it was a lot to type but thank you again for all your help

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited August 2014

    @salino2835 said:
    socks Idk i just thought maybe it was a lot to type but thank you again for all your help

    No problem :smile:

    I still don't quite understand the PM thing, you're not the first to want to discuss things via PM, it happens quite a lot to be honest, I can't really get my head around it, to me it just seems like discussing these things via PM limits the conversation to just two people, which stops others from offering input, it also means any ideas discussed are essentially lost to future GS users browsing the forums, we might spend 3 days discussing how best to do X,Y and Z, and in 18 months when someone wants to do something similar and searches for that subject they may well find nothing, because the conversation took place in private ! Which defeats the central aim of a public forum, to disseminate opinion, information and ideas !?

    I'm also not convinced that typing something in a post is any more work than typing the very same thing in a PM !? :) But if you want to test the idea I could cut and paste this post and PM it to you, we could then count how many characters are in each one and see if either has more characters than the other. :p

    Anyhow, joking aside, this is something that comes up quite a lot and I am genuinely puzzled by it ! :D

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @salino2835 said:

    Here a scratch card demo I did a while back, it sort of shows you the basic idea of creating the hole (or space) rather than destroying actors to create a hole . . .

    . . . .

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