Why did chartboost make all my earning disappear!??
I made 38 dollars over the weekend and had a total earning of $52. I checked today and it says I have only 0.03 In my earnings? WHY?!
I made 38 dollars over the weekend and had a total earning of $52. I checked today and it says I have only 0.03 In my earnings? WHY?!
I think its a bug or something else. It soon returns
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@jigglybean this happened to you?
@jigglybean it came back but about 10 Cents lower. Ive noticed that each day that goes by they take 10 cents. Why?
Yes, mine is all over the place too. Up and down, up and down.
Folks, if you have issues with Chartboost, I encourage you to email them directly via their special GS user email address: gamesalad@chartboost.com. They are very responsive and always helpful, in my experience.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · danm@gamesalad.com
I always thought that "earned:$" in the upper right corner reflects income of the day, isn't it? Income in the apps section below shows the correct cumulative income.