Which format should I use
I am planning to build a new game using GS mac. I want the game to be available on Appstore for being played with all iOS devices. As we know all iOS devices are not of same resolution and screen sizes.
My question is what screen size/dimension I should make the game for? Do I have to make separate game for each screen sizes/dimensions or do I need to make one screen size game and it will work on all devices correctly?
Hi there, @deepaksx
In my opinion, you should create a project in the iPad format and then downscale to lower resolution devices when ready. You can use the "overscan" feature to see what the screen will look like on the different devices - all you need to do is make sure that you place your actors within a certain area so that they don't get cut out of the screen when downscaling.
Additionally, there are other Universal Binary tutorials out there -- you can search for them if you'd like, however, I'd recommend my suggestion above.
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