tableRowNumber Returns 0, I think its a problem with the new GS build :S
Hey since I just updated GS to the new build my "tableRowNumber" and "tableColNumber" return 0 in all my projects which has kinda nacked up all my games a bit,
I have tried,
tableRowNumber( game.States ,Wait)
tableRowNumber( game.States ,"Wait")
And Varios other tests including outputting the results to the debugger but all I get is 0.
Is anyone else having this problem with Version (The most recent stable build)?
Like I said I have tested this on lots of different projects and tables but I get the same outcome.
I believe there is (or was) a bug in the new creator, which prevents someone from calling a row or column with its name..
I cannot remember where I read that, but if I find it I will show you
Not sure if its fixed:
The bug exists in the NAMING of rows. Simply replace the name of the row with the row number. This will solve your problem.
Hi @gingagaming, Thanks for the reply
but what if I am using a variable in the function to get the row or column,
In one of my projects I have this "tableRowNumber( game.States , Varaible_Colors)", is there a fix for this?
All I know from personal experience is that row names are broken, column names still work. I have attributes calculating my row and the behaviour still work. It's just when the row is referred to by name rather than number.
Oh I might just download a earlier version of GS until they fix this, @gingagaming Thanks