iAds Not Working, App has 0 requests
As the title says, the iAds in my app, Snail Saga, aren't working, and has 0 requests. I read that you usually have to wait about 4 days for them to work, but its been 9 days and they still haven't started working. I have emailed Apple twice and both say that they are forwarding my request to the "Appropriate Team". Now I'm not sure if it is Apple or my game that;s not working, but i was thinking that i maybe forget to add something that had my app request ads. I have the contract for iAds filled out, and the ads are displaying as "Test Ads" in Gamesalad viewer. Any Suggestions? You can download Snail Saga here... https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/snail-saga/id895683641?ls=1&mt=8
Thank You.
How many people have downloaded it?
@pHghost About 50 in a week. I read that even with a low number it should still be sending out requests
It should, but it depends on how often people are actually opening the app. If they opened it in the first 4 days when there weren't ads yet, but not after, you won't have any ads served. Does it say 'ads live?'
Anyway, if Apple is looking into it, wait until they get back to you.
@pHghost Yup it says that the ads are live. Its been about 10 days now and the ads still aren't showing up, and I'm sure that enough people have played it where at least one ad should have been requested. But yeah apple is not really being helpful, thanks for the comment though!
@TwoSixNineStudios -- well, if you are using the ad banner behavior in your app correctly and you ticked iAds while publishing, then it is a problem on Apple's side. And even though they might be slow, and thus not immensely helpful, in that case they are in fact the only ones who can help you.
Are your ads behind any rules that could block requests? Are they shown for long enough? Etc.
@pHghost Yeah good point, but it's not in any rules at all. The ads are not inside any rules at all, and are placed on the background actors of the game.
I tried testing out my other game with iads in Ad Hoc, and nothing shows up. Not even a "Test Advertisment" but it showed up on the GS Viewer. Does that mean I did something wrong? @pHghost
That's fairly strange. They should appear on Ad-Hoc. What size banner are you using?
@pHghost I think it's 50px, my game is in portrait style, and I have it where the banner should be at the top of the screen. I don't know how I could mess it up, it's not inside a rule.
Hard to say. My ads are working, so I don't think there is a problem on the GS side. Try making a new simple project, just an empty scene with an iAd banner. Run it ad-hoc to see if ads appear.
Also, you could try, in your project that isn't working, the following:
Put the iAd banner rule in a timer saying After: 2 seconds, run to completion.
See if that helps.
Did you try?
@pHghost i havnt tried it yet, but I'm going to right now. Thanks for the suggestion.
are you using windows version?
@BBEnk yup and I think it's at the latest version
Wait, why is this in the Mac section then? Are you using macincloud.com for iOS publishing?
@pHghost No i use my PC to make the game, then I export the game to my mac and publish it from there. I put this in the mac section because i thought i messed up a publishing setting with the iads, but now i have no clue if its apple, publishing, or my game.
Are you publishing the game from your mac or windows you might check this out.
@BBEnk Thanks for the link, and i am publishing with my mac. The ads are working in the GS Viewer on both the windows and mac, but I'm still not sure if they are on devices
They emailed me back after 2 weeks and said that there was an error when i uploaded the binary, and to resubmit it for the ads to work. I guess they do get back to you eventually. Thanks for the help guys
Actually, I encountered something like this. But when I took the game to a mac, I noticed the show ad rule was different. I'm saving adding stuff like Ads as the last step when I get to the mac.