Making An Actor Overlap Another Actor and return to Original Position
Hello Everyone . I need help in making an actor overlap another actor . I have 2 actors and 2 buttons , vertically opposite each other . Each actor have a button each and when the button is pressed , the respective actor would go towards the other actor and overlap it , then return to its original position . When the other button is pressed , the other actor would do the same . Plz Help .
Make two constrained attributes that have your actors x and y position then have your actor Move To those attributes... Repeat for both actors. Then have a rule that when the actors collide the Move To the X, Y position where they started.
Urmm yea . But the thing is i need em to overlap on top of each other
Oh...Well don't quite know what to do there... you could try using a timer so after they touch they wait so long before moving back to positions... Just keep adjusting the timer until they don't move back before overlapping.
My Problem is the overlapping part
When the relevant button is pressed interpolate the actor to the other actor's position, once there interpolate it back to it's starting position.