Remove ads button wont destroy
i've made a button to remove ads, but i have a problem with it. The iap works fine, the button is destroyed when the iap is made, but when i kill the app from the background and i reopen it, the button returns . Any solutions ?
Make a boolean call it " remove_ad" or something like it.
On your ad actor put in when game.remove_ad is false show ad.
On your iap purchase button make it so it sets game.remove_ad to true when purchased and save attribute.
On your main screen put a load attribute.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
what do you mean by "On your main screen put a load attribute." , do i make another actor for it , cause the remove ad button is already on the main screen
On your background actor add a load attribute behavior so it load every time you open up your game.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@raycur09 thanks , works great