Actor doesn't move when pressing key
Hi all,
I am completely new to Game Salad (and well... to everything related to game design). I have purchased some online beginner lessons and started learning about Game Salad yesterday.
I am trying to set up the following rule for my actor:
Actor's backstage > Rule
[WHEN] Right key is down
[DO] move -> (right)
No matter what I do, when I play my "scene", my actor will not budge when I press the right key
Any ideas would be much appreciated
@Aquinzel, Use the rule when right key is down, then change attribute (linear velocity x) to +300 and do the same for left expect make it -300.
try checking that capslock isnt on as that will stop gamesalad responding to key inputs
The most likely cause is that you've accidentally unlocked an "instance" of the actor on the scene. Double-click on the actor and check to see if there is a "revert to prototype" button at the top of the rule list. Or, to be sure, delete the actor from the scene and drag it back in, which will force a "prototype" of the actor instead of an instance.
Instances are useful if you want to unlock an individual actor and change just that actor's rules but leave all other actors of that type following the original prototype rules.
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This issue was solved via PM a day or two ago. It was related to how this was being previewed. The rules worked fine
I have the same problem did you find out how to fix it?