Setting up a save attribute...
Could ya'll tell me the correct way to save in attribute so when the game gets closed and reopened everything will be as it was left...I have a game where you can upgrade your weapons,earn coins, and a thing that every time you play Start Game it changes certain attributes...I want it set up so if i were to play 10 times and earn 50 coins then exit the game that when i got back on everything will be as i left it... I know you cant test this so i want it done perfect.
I was thinking of having a timer in the store that saves the attributes every second and at the main menu have a timer load these actors... Will that work? Also whats with the Keys? When saving an attribute with a Key named one do i set my rule to load as follows.
Load Attribute Key one and attribute Coins...or do i just put in the Key?
Thanks in advance
I would suggest using tables for storing the data. Especially if you have a lot of different attributes to manage.
Get inspired and adapt:
Ehh, actually i already made the majority of the game. Just need to add the save/load features... Flappy Defense: Battle of the Birds
Yeah. That doesn't change anything about my advice. If you are managing score, bullets, upgrades etc., you should definitely use tables.
Watch the video -- and other ones on tables, if needed -- and then adapt the knowledge to saving your attributes.
Seriously, replace the artwork for the birds, unless yuo've done so already, the design you use on the Arcade is not yours -- you're stealing.
Im just gonna use
Thanks though
Oh and as for the art, i can't draw worth crap but i think i'm gonna attempt to put like ww1 pilot goggles on him.
@Speedy007 -- that really isn't enough. Can't you get a friend to do it for you? Or at least take the Flappy bird, open it in photoshop or something and use it as a shape to trace with a paintbrush tool in a new layer. Then add some of your own details.
I shall give it a try...
This took me maybe 3 minutes to make, following my own instructions:

Even though I used the Flappy bird as a stencil, I now have my own bird.
Rather than giving it a try, give it an hour or so. You spent a lot longer constructing the game, so the art deserves at least a little of your attention as well.
yeah ok...I did spend about 130 hours on the game, so i'll go change the bird up...Better safe then sorry i guess...Thanks for the insight