How To Change Animate Behavior To A Still Image? Please help!
My actor has an Animate behavior as its image (where it looks like he is running). However, I also have an image of him but where he is JUMPING, and that is just a regular image (no animation or nothing to it). I've managed to make my actor (that has the animation) do a jumping movement (going up and back down), but now I want it so that when my actor jumps, its animation CHANGES to the regular image of where he is jumping, and then BACK to the animation of him running as he lands back on the ground.
How do I do all of that? Is it even possible? I've tried it on my own, but it seems that because of the animation that loops, it switches fast back to the next image from the animation, skipping the jumping image.
Please help, and please type in every detail/step as it can help much more for me to understand. I am a beginner.
Thank you in advance.