Hallooo: good morning, good afternoon, good evening
Hi, I've posted five or six times so far but thought I'd introduce myself. So, hallo! Although I registered for the Forum back in September (2009), I've only just got started with learning GameSalad. To be honest, I was somewhat underwhelmed by the prog back then, but downloading the latest beta (8.6 at time of writing) I'm overwhelmed! Well, not exactly, but it's come on leaps and bounds since I first saw it, I'm sure you'll agree. I guess it has its shortcomings and problems, but I think it's going to shine when released as 1.0. And what will it be like as 2.0, 3.0, etc? Who knows, but I bet I'll definitely be overwhelmed then! (As we all will be, I'm certain).
I use to use another game creation prog for quite a while (Power Game Factory) but unfortunately, as good as it is, development on it is no more. The current version has no (and will never have) one of the "jewels in its crown" that GS has: a easy and fuss-free way to get the games into Apple's .App format. Marvellous. So glad to have checked out the latest version of GS now.
I wrote 3 fairly complete games in PGF which I'm hoping to complete in GS; for the iPad mainly, I think. Bit more learning of GS first though, perhaps 3 months or more of test apps before I take the plunge.
The Forum seems a friendly and helpful place in the main; glad to be here! Best regards and positive vibes for your app making.
I use to use another game creation prog for quite a while (Power Game Factory) but unfortunately, as good as it is, development on it is no more. The current version has no (and will never have) one of the "jewels in its crown" that GS has: a easy and fuss-free way to get the games into Apple's .App format. Marvellous. So glad to have checked out the latest version of GS now.
I wrote 3 fairly complete games in PGF which I'm hoping to complete in GS; for the iPad mainly, I think. Bit more learning of GS first though, perhaps 3 months or more of test apps before I take the plunge.
The Forum seems a friendly and helpful place in the main; glad to be here! Best regards and positive vibes for your app making.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
If you get a few moments of free time, give this thread a go.
Best of luck working with GS, look forward to seeing what you produce.
Tickle Stones http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tickle-stones/id363484260?mt=8
Food Fight! (free) http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/food-fight/id352646643?mt=8
Rather than have a level of a game I made in PGF hide in my computer's equivalent of a bottom drawer, I wonder if anyone would be interested in giving it a whirl? Should run on most OSX macs, I think.
The download button for the game is hidden at the bottom of the website page after a heap of ads... ;-)
This will be my first iPad game I'm planning; only hope I can duplicate the behaviours in GS; I wait to see...
Any comments appreciated, thank you!
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
Interesting game. What are the rules? Doesn't seem to do anything but move left and right - what am I missing?
To be honest, it seems a bit ambitious for GameSalad as it is *right now*.
Firstly, platformers aren't easy to do on GS. Well, not as easy as they should be.
You've also got camera zooming and a few different states (as in the story text - though you didn't switch states on the original game so enemies were still shooting at me while I was reading).
I'm not saying it can't be done, and I don't want to come across as overly negative. But as a first GameSalad project, it's very ambitious.
I wish you the best with it, could be interesting, but I'd try something simpler first!
Good luck!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Hi IntelligentDesigner: glad you found it interesting. Sorry, forgot to tell you the controls:
Move Left = Left Key
Move Right = Right Key
Jump = Space Bar
fire = alt
turn on switch = Space Bar + tab
The idea of the game is to amass as many points as pos on the level without being killed (3 lives) and before the timer runs out.
Hi goliath, thanks for the welcome! It does seem a really helpful Forum, definitely.
Hi quantumsheep: I think I guessed your reply...you are certainly correct, it would be overly ambitious of me to try this project in GS. I'll wait til GS has evolved more, by which time I'll have more experience using it anyway. I'll stick to something simpler first, definitely; thank you!
Oh yes, reading the messages but still being shot at: this happened to be mentioned on the PGF Forum years ago when I produced this. It bugged someone then, and obviously bugs you now! I never did get round to fixing that...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps