this rule will work?
first actorhero1 size 200x 200
when self motion linear x >=0 destroy actor spawn actor actorhero2( of size300x 200)
actor hero2 when self motion linear x =0 destroy actor spawn actorhero1
first actorhero1 size 200x 200
when self motion linear x >=0 destroy actor spawn actor actorhero2( of size300x 200)
actor hero2 when self motion linear x =0 destroy actor spawn actorhero1
sounds like it should work.
let me make a quick demo
EDIT: here you go
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Hello timolapre1998 it works,
You wouldn't do it it with key right, down and up?
Not sure what you mean. You want an actor to be moveable when using the arrow keys (which doesnt makes sense at it is an device with no keys) and when its moving it is actor2 and when not moving its actor1? Do you mean manual made keys in your project?
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Yes i want when actor hero moves(when right is down) spawn actor actorhero2, but when the actor hero 2 is spawned; this is the rule i choose: when key right is up self motion linearx to 300, but i have to press right key again for the actorher2 stop, and i want that when the key right is up the actor hero2 be destroyed and spawn actorhero1, but with right button i have to press 2 times, if you don´t understand me i understand, my english is bad.
Use my demo and change in both actors the rule
if mouse button is down change attribute self.motion.linear velocity.X to 200
Change motionX to 0
If key right is down change motionX to 200
Change motionX to 0
I think you mean like that. I can make a demo tomorrow if you dont understand what I mean.
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What I really want to do in actorhero2 is make a walking animation where the arms and legs are out of the png image of actor hero 1, i think this is the best way , but i´m not sure.
It doesn´t work the the demo with key right, if you can make the demo thanks anyway