How can i do this type of animation?
my actor hero has a size of 200x200, but i want to do a move animation of 300x200, because the legs and arms are out of the png image of the actor hero, how can i do it?, thanks.
my actor hero has a size of 200x200, but i want to do a move animation of 300x200, because the legs and arms are out of the png image of the actor hero, how can i do it?, thanks.
You could change your actors width and offset its position if needed during the animation. I don't know how this would look when it executes I have never tried it. Or you could make your actor 300x200 and create your images accordingly and use constrain to pin another invisible actor to it for collisions.
Other than these two ways I can't think of another. There are a lot of clever people here maybe someone else has another way.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
Make the actor 300x200. Make all the images the size necessary for the largest image in the animation and just have empty space. If you want the actors collision size to be smaller than the animation size then make a separate actor for the animations and constrain its x and y coordinates to the main actor and make that actor invisible.
Do you know how to do it with spawn another actor for the animation?