having a bullet hit the center of the actor
im having difficulty with an actor... heres the problem... i have bullets that will hit the enemy actors but i want the bullets to hit the actor directly in the middle... sure i can have a constrain attribute but i would like more of that enemy type to be on the field... is there a way to have it hit in the direct center using rules and not another actor?
Are the enemy actors moving - continuously updating their X and Y positions?
If not - It is pretty simple - Otherwise I will head back to the drawing board
Hey Jeromy some are moving actors and some are not... How would I do both?
@digitalzero Its a tough one - I am cut for time tonight - Here is a basic demo with bullets and one enemy.
Basically it can be done with only one enemy - if you move the enemy and constrain its positions then it will also work for a moving enemy.
The issue is how get the bullet to know which enemy it has collided with so it can use it as a reference point. Currently I can't think or anyway to do this.
Its a start and when I have some more time I will take another look, Hopefully someone else may know a solution