What are your tips & tricks for recording HQ game trailers?
Hi everyone!
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their tips, tricks, or just general insights for recording high-quality game trailers.
All comments are welcome of course, but what I think would be really helpful would be to include:
-Your preferred video recording software (ie screenflow, etc)
-Your audio/video export settings
Thanks all!
Best Answer
gingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Posts: 1,685
Reflector is my favourite very easy to use and keeps up with creator.
Massive tip when using, make sure your close to the wifi router for optimum zero lag.
thats perfect, thanks for the tip....I'll test that out today.
I'm currently using screenflow and no matter what combination of settings I use, my videos always seem to look like old artifact ridden jpegs...
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I thought the video you did for your high mayor game was pretty good.
If you get some HQ footage of the game itself, the MAC's built in software is pretty good and will make a professional looking trailer for you.... m
Other than that, see if you can find a gig on fiverr.com (I haven't tried this avenue yet but everything is on that site)
Reflector is my choice too. Next to @gingagaming tips I also restart before recording.
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Reflector seems like a really good choice in that it cuts down your video cards overhead when recording, thanks for the suggestion! @gingagaming