Android SDK question

RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

Could somebody tell me what is best practice when installing the Android SDK. Do people generally install everything right down to Android 1.5? Or is it only important to have the latest one, currently 4.4? And also what about the other check boxes like 'Extras' etc...

Any help appreciated.



  • jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584

    I go as far as 2.3 and all the extras, just incase. With google IAP coming to GS, its best to get yourself set up now.

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  • RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

    Thank you for the info ;)

  • part12studiospart12studios Member Posts: 620
    edited September 2014

    I follow the instructions

    there is a big blue button with a roughly 350mb zip file i download that has eclypse and sdk folders in it. The folder is called: adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702

    I don't understand what they mean in step 2:

    "Unzip the downloaded android sdk to ~/sdk" i'm not sure if the ~ means something other than step 6 which says it means the home directory, but it still feels like there is something i'm missing here. am i suppose to use the terminal to do all this?

    because in step 3, they say to double click the downloaded file.. i already did that in step 2. the zip i found isn't a single "exe" file, its two folders in the zip..

    any advice / tips on this would be appreciated! :)


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