Contest: What's My Name?
So, I've been lingering around the forums for a while. Posting here and there. Just trying to pick up as much as possible before biting the bullet that is...well...paying for stuff!
After test driving GS for 2 long months, I've finally purchased a license and I'm ready to start hawking my wares in the App store.
My problem: Most people have a cool name for their "Company". I just have...barkbark00. I highly doubt that will evoke the sentiment I want from prospective customers.
The Solution: A contest to determine the best name for my fledgling endeavor into the Apple abyss.
Post your suggestions here. If someone else gives your name a "+1", that's it, you're in (read: nominated)!
This "primary" of sorts will end Sunday, at Midnight EST. All nominees will be added to a poll and the community will decide which is best! Depending on the number of nominees, I may need to set up a bracket system...
The Prize: No t-shirts here...sorry. :-(
I will give the person with the winning suggestion the first crack at all games I develop with GS. You will be emailed the coveted FIRST Promo code generated for any GS app I make!
And, they're off!
After test driving GS for 2 long months, I've finally purchased a license and I'm ready to start hawking my wares in the App store.
My problem: Most people have a cool name for their "Company". I just have...barkbark00. I highly doubt that will evoke the sentiment I want from prospective customers.
The Solution: A contest to determine the best name for my fledgling endeavor into the Apple abyss.
Post your suggestions here. If someone else gives your name a "+1", that's it, you're in (read: nominated)!
This "primary" of sorts will end Sunday, at Midnight EST. All nominees will be added to a poll and the community will decide which is best! Depending on the number of nominees, I may need to set up a bracket system...
The Prize: No t-shirts here...sorry. :-(
I will give the person with the winning suggestion the first crack at all games I develop with GS. You will be emailed the coveted FIRST Promo code generated for any GS app I make!
And, they're off!
But your Company should be called:
1) It includes the Bark, that is either part of your nickname or handle, and it therefore part of your identity.
2) It implies a pun on "His Bark is worse than his Bite". < = less than
3) It includes a pun on the word bite, changing it to Byte, showing its relationship to things … computery.
I can imagine a logo that makes use of the "<" symbol in cool ways too, but that's only because I have a background in design. Think "NIKE SWOOSH".
Again … Sorry to nail this so soon. Good luck.
Don't worry, you'll still get credit if that is chosen! Consider this a "+1"...
Tickle Stones
Food Fight! (free)
Yes, games mostly...focusing on iDevices. ;-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
I can see that being a "funpanies" name and no one else would have anything like it. It's unique and people already kind of know you by Barkbark. Don't change it, stick with it.
I also liked Ace23's reasoning and ideas - but honestly, it has to be barkbark :P
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
is the .com available? Make sure whatever name you do select has a .com available to grab.
Does anyone think that the FIRST promo code to all my games ever would not be enough of a prize for a logo creation contest?
Thanks for all the feedback fellow GS'ers!
Edit: I do like the dog shaped tree idea. That is genius!
Drat!! How do I embed a png here???
PS: isn't available, but is....