Going Crazy! Need Help Permanently Destroying Actor From Scene!
Hello guys, So I created a in game store where i am selling weapons. I already made it that when the player has enough in game money they can purchase it. But I want it so that when they purchase a weapon, they can't purchase it again. So i made a "BUY" and a "BOUGHT" actor. And I put the "BOUGHT" actor under the "BUY" actor. And when you click buy and you have enough money the "BUY" actor gets destroyed and the "BOUGHT" actor underneath it is revealed and unpressable. That works GREAT! Buuut when I go to the main menu, and go back to the store again, the buy button is still there.
How the **** do i delete this darn thing permanently when it has already been clicked once???
I would actually have just one actor, which changes texture and function based on whether it as bought or not, might be a simpler way to do it.
You'll need to save and load an attribute that tells the actor whether the item has been bought or not.
Hey phghost, thanks for the reply! I am really new to gamesalad. Do you think you can explain this in a little more detail??
Im still trying to figure this out can someone please help me?
You need to study more and please we can see all the threads so don't make multiple threads thanx.
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Just desperate, I have been looking all over for this and there really isn't much at all on the subject.
I was in your same trouble but after i found the table i can create a little demo for you if you want
I fixed this issue! But thank you!
https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4bti924dzs6376/Shop Demo.zip?dl=0
this can be helpful