Actor's name as quick value entry.

SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
edited September 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

Here's an idea for when you have a number of actors, that all have a particular value that you need to repeatedly adjust when in the process of designing a scene layout.

For example, imagine you have 10 or 20 actors, they all have a particular starting size (or position, or rotation, or whatever), and as you design your scene layout, continually changing these values as the design evolves, you'd generally work by going in and out of the various actors, changing the size by altering the value in a Change Attribute behaviour, or maybe directly in the size attributes (etc) . . . then returning to the Inspector/Actors window, selecting the next actor, double clicking it, scrolling down to the relevant rule, change the value, return the Inspector/Actors window, select the next actor . . . and so on, a lot of clicking and moving between windows to change, for example, the sizes or positions of 10 or 20 actors.

But . . . if you replace that value with you can very quickly adjust all the values straight from the Actors window . . . .


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