Bouncing minimal distance
Hi, i've been testing GameSalad and came to an dead end.
I created one actor called ground and another one called ship. There is gravity on the scene.
There are no drags or frictions on any actors.
If i put my ship high above the ground, gravity pulls it down and when the ship hits it, bouncing seems to work fine - in any values i set it.
But if i put the ship close to the ground, it just doesn't work. Just like if its bouncing was zero.
So I ask, is there a minimal distance for bouncing to work?
Couldn't find the answer anywhere.
a few month ago I have seen a tutorial from GSHelper about gravity.
He worked without "scene-gravity"...he gave every actor who need gravity
an Accelrate Attribute -->Direction 270
it work´s fine...!
I tried both setting the scene gravity attribute and giving the actors the accelerate attribute.
What happens is that there is a "dead zone" where bouncing does not work. It works fine above a certain distance, but behaves as bouncing=0 inside the zone.
I first started gravity to 50. The "dead zone" was about 40 or 50 pixels high. But as I increased the gravity, the "dead zone" got lower...
I have no idea what's going on
I'm no physics major but I have to guess the amount of bounce (in the physics engine, not just the bounciness setting) is based on the speed at which the two objects collide. So if you have a very small distance between the two for the object to fall, the falling object will be moving slow when it hits the ground thus having a very minimal or no bounce. Just like dropping a ball from 1 inch above the floor vs 10 feet above the floor, it would bounce higher/more from the greater height.
Does your ground have a bounciness value as well as the falling object? It should... ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I think so too, jamie_c
Where can i find out how these physics work?
The problem is that the distance between the objects is not very small. 50 pixels is even bigger than the actor itself.
the ground has bounciness of 1. Same as actor. But i have tried every combination possible.
I increased the gravity to 1000 to test it and the distance of the "dead zone" is minimal, but the actor does not bounce to its same position. It bounces higher than its original position.