Help need with music

I have a pause screen in my app that has 5 music tracks that i would like the user to choose from and play.
My question, How do i get each track to play separately i.e.: play and pause button for each. i have had a look a Tshirtbooths vid on youtube, this only gives the option to play one?
anyone have any examples of how to achieve this.
totally stumped!!!!!!



  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
    edited September 2014

    Make a play and pause button. Add a self attribute to each, integer. Call it "self.Track" or something similar. Place 5 instances of each on the scene, and double click on each one, assigning it a track number from 1-5.

    Within the actors, have basic logic to play/pause the track depending on which button is pressed.

    If self.Track = 1
    Play music "Track 1"


    Depending on how you want your pause behaviour to work you may be able to get away with just one pause button.

  • Uplink1001Uplink1001 Member, PRO Posts: 64

    That worked a treat, all working great now.
    thanks Armelline


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