Race scoring system? - PLEASE HELP IM SO STUCK!!!!

MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
“PLEASE Gamesalad community I need your help! I have 3 actors racing each other (1 player, 2com controlled). How do I do 1st, 2nd 3rd place and dist points?”

I'Ve discovered I can use the current scene timer... I think this may help but I still can't work it our please

Thanks guys!!!


  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    **** still stuck can anyone help me?
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Sorry, just saw this.

    I tried to think it through, but it made my head hurt. It's gone 4am here.

    I'll try and give it another go tomorrow.



    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    each of the 3 actors should have these rules ( as i see it)

    make 2 game attributes - booleans - "first place" , "second place" .
    set them to false.

    make this rules in all racing actor -

    when ALL are valid:
    collide or overlapping with "finish line"
    "first place" is false

    change first place to true
    change self."what place am i" to 1 !

    this is for the first place indicator.

    another rule that say:
    when ALL are valid:
    collide or overlapping with "finish line"
    "first place" is true
    "second place" is false

    change "second place" to true
    change self."what place am i" to 2 !

    this is for the second place indicator.

    and for the third do:
    when ALL are valid:
    collide or overlapping with "finish line"
    "first place" is true
    "second place" is true

    change self."what place am i" to 3 !

    and you can use "self.what place am i" to whatever you want
  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    Thanks for the replies. This sounds so much simpler than I was trying to make it. I will try it and get back to you

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    I was thinking along the same lines a POM, but as I said, it was gone 4am...

    Glad POM could help though - nice one fella!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    I also just saw that you posted on my wall..
    Let us know if the above doesn't work and we'll try to get you going.

    I saw the Mighty Boosh in 2001 at the Philadelphia Fringe Festival.
    My friends and I are big fans!

    Old Gregg!
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Oh, don't get me started on the Boosh!

    "I don't accessorize. I'm Howard Moon. There's a simple truth to me."


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    Hey I tried it and it kind of works (I put a couple of display text actors in to tell me what place each actor was and they start at 0 and then when the actors cross the finish line all they display is 3... What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    The cars are likely stopping or moving slowly over the finish line and are thus colliding with it (over and over) and the third place rule is evaluated for each one. You need to add a "and third place is false" to the third place rule (along with a game attribute for "third place") -or- upon being assigned a place, no longer evaluate the rules (i.e. "if 'what-place-am-i" is not zero" before the place rules are evaluated). Something along those lines.
  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    Thanks rebump. If I add the third place needs to be false attitribute in the third place rule do I need to place it anywhere else? ie do I need to adjust any conditions in place 1 or 2? Because just throwing that rule in isn't working

  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    Sorry It may help to mention that the actor are actually falling down from the sky and landing on the ground/finish line not cars racing past it. Sorry if this confused anyone... My bad
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    ok you can put all of the "what place am i" rules in one big rule. so that once the actor knows its place, the rules dont apply anymore , something like:

    create "self.i know my place" - boolean - false.
    and create a rule - when "self.i know my place" = false
    put here all the rules mentioned above

    and to each rule add another change attribute below - change self."what place am i" to -
    add - change self.i know my place to true

    so that the rules will not be checked after the actor knows its place (and its good for memory uses , its a switch )
  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    Hi pom.

    I have put those those rules in all all my actors however still all I get is 3 as the result for all of them. What am I doing wrong?

    I have taken some screenshots of my actor rules here:

    https://idisk.me.com/lukeallen1986/Public/Gamesalad Help/1.png
    https://idisk.me.com/lukeallen1986/Public/Gamesalad Help/2.png
    https://idisk.me.com/lukeallen1986/Public/Gamesalad Help/3.png

    I Have done a little bit of work in Gamesalad but I am still abit of a noob sorry about this!
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    1) all of the rules are inside the big rule?
    2) on the second and the third rule move "i know my place to the top so that it will
    be the first change! the order of the things is very important, check the rules for logical order

    if it still dosent work tell us more about what is going on in the scene, and we will figure it out
  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    Hey pom. Still no luck. Il explain all that I have done up to this point:

    *I have 3 actors and in each one i have created two locals attributes (what place am I & I know my place)
    *in each actor I have created a big rule that says

    When self.I know my place is false
    ( and inside this rule I have 3 other rules 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd - see screenshot @ https://idisk.me.com/lukeallen1986/Public/Gamesalad Help/4.png)

    *Each of these rules is basically what "p.o.m" said in his first post with "rebumps" adjustments

    "make 3 game attributes - booleans - "first place" , "second place" , "third place"
    set them to false.

    make these rules in all racing actors -

    when ALL are valid:
    collide or overlapping with "finish line"
    "first place" is false

    Change self.I know my place to true
    change first place to true
    change self."what place am i" to 1 !

    this is for the first place indicator.

    another rule that says:
    when ALL are valid:
    collide or overlapping with "finish line"
    "first place" is true
    "second place" is false

    Change self.I know my place to true
    change "second place" to true
    change self."what place am i" to 2 !

    this is for the second place indicator.

    and for the third:
    when ALL are valid:
    collide or overlapping with "finish line"
    "first place" is true
    "second place" is true
    "Third place" is true

    Change self. "I know my place" to true
    change self."what place am i" to 3 !

    Thats basically it. All that's happening is 3rd is being displayed 90% of the time. On the odd occasion 2nd appears but have no idea why.

    Also as I mentioned previously the racing actors are falling from the sky and the ground Is essentially the finish line...

    What am I doing wrong????

    Thanks all for your ongoing help and support
  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83

    Used a slightly different approach which I will explain abit later. I'm excited so I really want to finish my game but will post when done

    Thanks to all who helped. I have actually included a little reference in my game to you guys

  • MightyBooshMightyBoosh Member Posts: 83
    Hey for those interested this is how I got my game to finally work.

    https://idisk.me.com/lukeallen1986/Public/Gamesalad Help/5.png

    Basically just One big rule that calls on 2 self attributes and 1 global attribute. (they are named in p-o-m-s above posts. thanks mate for that

    Also my game "Flying Fox is finished now and submitted to Apple. I will announce it when it goes live if you want a promo code let me know
  • AirJurrahAirJurrah Member Posts: 1

    I have been trying to follow the instructions in this thread as I am trying to do the same thing but I am having a little trouble as I cannot access the screenshots provided by MightyBoosh.

    Can someone please explain the process again? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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