Please help! I can't install GS viewer!
I don't understand whats going on. I installed gs viewer before and it worked fine. I updated to 85 and it went great, but now I cannot get 86 to work. I keep getting this error Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
I have a provisioning profile installed with a wildcard and one with gs. and com.pigoutproductions.*
Neither one work. I have 3.2.2 xcode and I'm using device 3.1.3 and release on xcode and my device is 3.1.3. I've followed the steps exactly and I've done this before so I have no idea whats going on. I've spent 2 hours trying to get this installed and nothing works.
Thanks for any help on this.
I have a provisioning profile installed with a wildcard and one with gs. and com.pigoutproductions.*
Neither one work. I have 3.2.2 xcode and I'm using device 3.1.3 and release on xcode and my device is 3.1.3. I've followed the steps exactly and I've done this before so I have no idea whats going on. I've spent 2 hours trying to get this installed and nothing works.
Thanks for any help on this.
i called it com.robotsvsweizards.viewer
that way i way i knew i was starting fresh
did you run down the checklist?
-proviosioning profile is on your device
-set to device AND release when you build
-bundle set in both places.
I always pull up the directions cause its so easy to forget something
If nothing else works you may have to hard reset your device (hold power and home button until it does its own thing)
WARNING.. hard reset can take up to 5 or 6 hours since it defrags your drive.
go into utilities, and keychain access:
Do Keychain first aid and see if that fixes it, if not, then do what James said and erase and reinstall your developer profiles and wwdr certificates
Butterbean, I do sometimes have problems with keychain and it does give me an unexpected error when running the keychain first aid sometimes. When I try to delete a key it doesnt do anything so I have to restart my computer and then it works ok, and keychain first aid only give me an error after I try deleting a key and it doesnt do anything, then after I restart it says verificiation complete when I run it.
Also I don't know if this matters but it gives me the same error whether my iphone is connected to my computer or not and I also tried another phone.
Here is the error code it gives me when I click expand on the original error. Also when I try building it usually immediately gives me the error with no warnings, but when I change my device to 3.2 it tries building for a bit then gives me the same error and 6 warnings. When I switch it back to 3.1.3 it tries building and gives me 5 warnings and the same error. But trying to build it again without switching this back and forth just pops up the one error with no warnings and it does so instantly.
CodeSign "build/Release-iphoneos/GameSalad"
cd /Users/user/Downloads/iphone-viewer-0.8.7
setenv IGNORE_CODESIGN_ALLOCATE_RADAR_7181968 /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Developer: William Garrett (2SJ2ZJ9SXK)" "--resource-rules=/Users/user/Downloads/iphone-viewer-0.8.7/build/Release-iphoneos/GameSalad" --entitlements "/Users/user/Downloads/iphone-viewer-0.8.7/build/GameSalad Viewer.xcent" "/Users/user/Downloads/iphone-viewer-0.8.7/build/Release-iphoneos/GameSalad"
iPhone Developer: William Garrett (2SJ2ZJ9SXK): ambiguous (matches "iPhone Developer: William Garrett (2SJ2ZJ9SXK)" in /Users/user/Library/Keychains/login.keychain and "iPhone Developer: William Garrett (2SJ2ZJ9SXK)" in /Library/Keychains/System.keychain)
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
Does this make any sense to anyone? I have no idea.
Thanks for your help guys. I'm trying xode forums and stuff to find help too.
I really don't want to format my computer.
Either way, I think what finally fixed it is that I deleted my wwdr cer and reinstalled that one too. Like I said before it took me tons of restarts because my keychain is retarted, but it finally worked. It's so irritating getting stuck on something you've done before and know your doing right, because of some kind of weird certificate glitch. It took me over 2 days to get my app to apple because of certificate and code signing problems too.
Thanks for the suggestions.
It get much easier
building the viewer the first time is probably the trickiest thing
I noticed when this thread started we were on 8.6 and now we are on 8.7
Did you download the new 8.7 viewers?
Each patch (about once per month) requires you to rebuild the viewers along with updating the game creator.