How can I make the player only able to jump when touching the top of the platform???
Hi. I am making a endless runner type game where the player is jumping onto each platform as it comes. If they don't make the jump they die. Now my issue is when the player is falling if he comes in contact will the side or bottom of another platform he is able to jump again, because I have a rule that says the player can jump when colliding with a platform. How can I make it so that he can only jump when coming in contact with the top of the platform?
These two tutorials might help with that: ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I would like to know this too, videos posted are not exactly what I guess this guys after though, but nice one for posting them,
Ok so am I right I thinking that you don't want your actor to double jump etc when coming into contact with the side of a platform etc, only a single jump is desired and only when on top of a platform?
I've tried using the jump through platforms rule but it's not right for my game as I still want said platform to not let me go through the side, I want it to stop me but not allow me to jump again etc, unless i actually am touching another platform top!
So is this your same question!