Doodle Jump Like Mechanic

app_sauceapp_sauce Member, PRO Posts: 206

I am trying to figure out a mechanic. It's kind of like doodle jump but instead of the constantly jumping the player runs right until he collides with the end of the rightmost side of the screen then turns around and runs left. And jumping is controlled by holding down and releasing, there is a jump meter i.e the longer you hold down the higher the hero jumps(to a point). This is not where the trouble lies.

I am having trouble figuring out how to get the platforms to move down. Here is a video of how I want the platforms to move down. The way I currently have it set up is that when the hero's y position is greater than 625(ipod portrait) I record how much higher he is than 625. When the hero's y linear velocity is greater than 0 plus his y pos is greater than 625 I have all the platforms interpolate y position by their y position - (y pos- amount the heros position is greater than 625. Its acting really buggy

Here is what Im trying to do

SocializeTwitter , **My Site ** **Play Loop Zen Free **iOS HERE, Google Play HERE


  • app_sauceapp_sauce Member, PRO Posts: 206

    Im kinda lost on this anyone have an idea on how to get started

    SocializeTwitter , **My Site ** **Play Loop Zen Free **iOS HERE, Google Play HERE

  • app_sauceapp_sauce Member, PRO Posts: 206

    I set up a rule that says when game.HalfWay>0 change game.MoveDown to true. When game.MoveDown is true I changeAttribute self.platform.positionY to self.platform.positionY -game.HalfWay and I moveDown the Hero at the same time. The thing is I want the moveDown to happen when the Hero is at the top of his jump and passed the HalfWay point of the screen. I cant figure out how to make this happen. If anyone has done this I would love to hear how or an easier fix. Thanks

    SocializeTwitter , **My Site ** **Play Loop Zen Free **iOS HERE, Google Play HERE

  • Ed_PerkinEd_Perkin Midlands,UKMember Posts: 346

    This is one of the best game mechanics and games for a while :D - If you get it working be sure to publish it to Appstore and Google Play . good luck :)

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