Tip - applying rules
Don't know if this has been mentioned before (probably) but I found a nice timesaver that I didn't know existed.
Usually I open up my actor and drag my Rule sets from the My Behaviours list to add them but there are times where you want to add that rule set to other actors - well you know how GS can get pretty bogged down opening and closing actors a lot. What I didn't realize is I can just drag the behaviour to the actors in the actors list without opening any. Nice, gonna save me some time, hope it helps others.
Usually I open up my actor and drag my Rule sets from the My Behaviours list to add them but there are times where you want to add that rule set to other actors - well you know how GS can get pretty bogged down opening and closing actors a lot. What I didn't realize is I can just drag the behaviour to the actors in the actors list without opening any. Nice, gonna save me some time, hope it helps others.