Change to another scene when actor stops to move
I want to end my game when one actor (which is moving at linear velocity x 300) stops. So when this actor stops (in direction of x NOT y) or gets under the speed of 300 then i want to bring the player to the game over scene. How do i do that?
Best Answers
gyroscope I am here.Posts: 6,598
Hi @Creator97 try this:
Add a rule in your moving actor:
When self.Motion.Linear Velocity.X < 300 Change Scene Your GameOver Scene
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
agueis Posts: 420
Is easy, create a rule for the actor hero: when self motion linear x <=0. Or self motion linear x <= 300 change scene. To gameover scene. In the rule you have to choose any not all
Thank you! Oh my god i did nt think at all you see!