How can I write this in a table

Hello, i never used tables, i´m going to explain, i have 32 scenes in my game, for those 32 scenes i have 32 actors they are the same with different names(copy,paste) because i have different spawn actor in each scene, i have to write a table but if my actor hero have different names, and also the button to entry to each scene are with different names i don´t know very well how to do it, well i do this because i want to save the table to start a new game, thank you


  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    Use the scene index number as a row or column number to read cell values

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    Hi colander, i write you the way a enter to my scenes: when hero actor overlap or collides with next scene: change scene scene2, game.level 2 to true, the hero actor goes to next scene. In the menu : when touch is pressed and game.level2 is true change scene scene 2
    how should i make a table that way?, i only want to save the game with tables because i want that when y touch a erase button start a new game, thanks.

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    Use what ever is available or create a system which numbers your scenes or actors in a way which can be used as a unique row or column index and use it in tableCellValue() to read a cell.

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    Perhaps a game attribute for all the actor hero, i don´t understand how to create that system

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    Can you tell me if pro members can be helped in other sector of the forum by other way, because this is only what i need to finish my game, thanks

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610
    edited September 2014

    We all help each other here when we have time. The size of the problem, the amount of time someone has and the level of interest all play a part in whether you get an answer or not.

    I have attached an example for you. GameSalad indexes the scenes in the order you place them from 1, 2, 3, ect to the maximum number of scenes in your project. You can't access this attribute if you can I can't find it. You have to create your own self attribute in an actor (In this case the Change Scene Btn) on each scene and pass it to a game level attribute if you want other actors (In this case Level Display Table Cell) to use it.

    You should be able to adapt this method in your project. This example was created with the latest RC 0.12.5.

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    Thanks very much, i will try it

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