How can I make an actor move vertically when pressing another actor?
I literally only just got into Gamesalad. Also, how can i make it so that when it moves, you see it move and not just appear there instantly?
Many thanks.
I literally only just got into Gamesalad. Also, how can i make it so that when it moves, you see it move and not just appear there instantly?
Many thanks.
In order to make an actor move when pressing on another actor, you want to do something like in the attached file. How it works is this:
When you press on the left-hand actor, it changes a game attribute (game.Pressing) to TRUE. When you stop pressing on the actor, it changes that game attribute back to FALSE.
The right hand actor monitors game.Pressing, and when it finds game.Pressing is TRUE, it moves.
There are a lot of different ways you can move an actor in GameSalad, and I just happened to have posted a project in another thread that gives examples of them.
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Welcome! You'll get the hang of it with some time. Youtube is a great place to look for tutorials and tips too.
Create two actors: the moving actor and the action button.
Then create a boolean and call it something like "Action_Button_Pressed"
Then create a rule in the action button that says when touched or a key is pressed, Attribute Action_Button_Pressed is true, otherwise it's false.
Then create a rule in the moving actor that says when Action_Button_Pressed is true, move to wherever you want it to go to.
It's not hard; just keep practicing. Don't feel intimidated by it.
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Maybe this tutorial will help: ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Thanks guys! My first bit of work on my first Gamesalad game!