Shaking actor
Hi all,
Another query for your knowledgeable selves.
I've got my actors motion how I need it using high accelerations in combination with drag. Unfortunately, this now makes my actor shake when it should be still. I've tried setting the actors velocity to 0 when no keys are pressed but it still shakes?
This and the other problem I've just posted need to be resolved before I can continue as I don't want to put more time into a project that won't be used!
Appreciate your inputs.
You need to be sure no move type behaviors are still active those should be in a rule that cuts them off. Plus if those move behaviors have run to completion do not check them. Also make sure you use a constrain on all velocity. Motion linear velocity x,y and angular to zero. Also do you have fixed rotation checked in the actor? Post the code so we can spot any errors.
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I've searched the forums for this question and saw you answer it twice before
I tried your answers about constraining all to 0 including angular but that didn't work for me. I shall give it another go before posting the code. Yes fixed rotation is checked.
The issue is due to drag. For some reason, when the drag is set to a worthwhile level, the actor will 'shake' when not in motion.
I've used frictions to deal with this problem but they aren't giving the same postive effects that the drag gave